Open Channel products from SEVEN Networks are comprised of a client component and a server component. The Open Channel client extends carrier control over mobile data traffic to the source – the mobile handset. Device-centric analytics provide deeper and timelier mobile intelligence than solutions that are solely network-based.
Depending upon which Open Channel products are activated by the carrier, the client software optimizes signaling, enforces policies, manages Wi-Fi offload decisions, and delivers comprehensive mobile analytics data.
Open Channel products extend mobile traffic management and optimization to the client device.
A software presence on the handset is critical for conserving network resources and achieving network efficiency. The client software has benefits for carriers across the Open Channel product line. For example, when a carrier deploys Open Channel Traffic Optimization, the Open Channel client ensures that mobile signaling activity is optimized on the device. Network-only optimization by definition can occur only after the device has connected to the network, wasting finite mobile network resources in the frequent cases where chatty apps cause excessive and unnecessary signaling.
Open Channel Policy Management provides another example of the importance of extending mobile traffic management to the client. Mobile operators often seek to offer specialized service plans targeted to the needs of specific segments of the market. On-device policies let them prevent activity that is outside of the purchased service plan from impacting the network. Network-only solutions squander some network resources, because enforcement occurs only after traffic has crossed the radio access network. Carriers are not able to monetize resources that are wasted in this manner due to the limitations of network-side enforcement. Hence in this scenario the client presence enhances carriers’ profit potential.
Policy Management also lets carriers create “parental control” plans that parents may wish to purchase for their children. In this case, on-device policies allow the rules of such a plan be applied regardless of the source of connectivity. Policies are applied both when a device connects via the carrier wireless network and when it connects via Wi-Fi. Network-side enforcement would allow the child to circumvent policy controls, allowing them to access apps that are beyond the limits of parental controls, if the child is connecting over Wi-Fi.
In the case of Wi-Fi offload management, the device-centric approach allows offloading decisions to be based upon the subscriber’s view of the mobile world. Open Channel Wi-Fi QoE not only drives traffic to Wi-Fi, it continuously measures quality of experience from the client’s perspective. It also delivers seamless mobility as devices move between sources of wireless connectivity, providing continuity of service even for latency-sensitive apps such as streaming video.
Open Channel Edge Mobile Analytics uses a software presence on the client to deliver deeper and timelier insight into factors that impact subscriber experience, network efficiency, and service quality. Carriers gain access to near real-time, historical, and predictive views of a wide variety of mobile analytics data, enhancing their understanding of what is happening on subscriber devices at the application, system, and network levels. Product integration between the analytics platform and other Open Channel products dramatically increases carriers’ power to act on the mobile intelligence gained.
The Open Channel client provides a platform for deploying multiple mobile traffic management and data analytics functions at once, easing implementation for carriers. SEVEN Networks can work with each carrier’s vendor of choice to integrate the Open Channel client with third-party policy servers, extending the function of the policy server platform.
The Open Channel software platform can be pre-bundled onto handsets before they ship to end users. The software can be activated easily once the mobile device is in the hands of the subscriber, through an unobtrusive opt-in process. Once the user has chosen to activate the software, the limited pre-installed version downloads and installs the full version of one or more Open Channel products. This means of software distribution ensures that the entire process is hassle-free for both carriers and their customers.